

[email protected]


[any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


  • ��ʼ��Guido van Rossum��ԭ�ں���������������
  • [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    2.1 Python����ʷ

    Python�Ĵ�ʼ��ΪGuido van Rossum��1989��ʥ�����ڼ䣬�ڰ�ķ˹�ص���GuidoΪ�˴�ʥ���ڵ���Ȥ�����Ŀ���һ���µĽű����ͳ�����ΪABC���Ե�һ�ּ̳С�֮����ѡ��Python��Ϊ��������֣�����Ϊ����һ��Monty �����߷�����Ϸ�ŵİ����ߡ�

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    2.2 Python����ʷ


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    2.3 Python����ʷ

    ��������Python��Guido���е����ˡ�ʵ���ϣ���һ��ʵ������Mac���ϡ�����˵��Python�Ǵ�ABC��չ��������Ҫ�ܵ���Modula-3����һ���൱������ǿ������ԣ�ΪС����������Ƶģ���Ӱ�졣���ҽ����Unix Shell��C��ϰ�ߡ�

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    2.4 Python����ʷ

  • ĿǰPython�Ѿ���չ�� 2.4.1
  • �������ڶ��ƽ̨������
  • [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.1 GUI

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.2 ����

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.3 ͼ��

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.4 �ĵ�

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.5 ��Ϸ

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.6 Web����

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.7 ��ѧ����

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.8 �ƶ�����

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.9 Ƕ�뿪��

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    3.10 ���ݿ⿪��

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.1 ���з�ʽ

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.2 ��̬��

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.3 �������

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.4 ģ��Ͱ�

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.5 ���Ե���չ

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.6 Unicode��֧��

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.7 ��Ȥ���﷨

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.8 ����

    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]

    6.1 Zen of Python

    ����ʤ����ª ��ȷʤ������
    ��ʤ������ ����ʤ���Ѷ�
    ��ƽʤ��Ƕ�� ϡ��ʤ���ܼ�
    ����ʵ�û���ܴ��� ����Ҳ�������⵽���ƹ���
    ������ȷ��ʹ���Ĭ ������Զ��ӦĬĬ�����
    ���ܲ���ͨ���ù������� ��������ҲҪʤ����ȥ��
    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]


    [any material that should appear in print but not on the slide]